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LaserPecker LX1 Max: The World's Best Foldable Multi-Functional Laser Cutter

£1,249.00 GBP



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  • Multi-Functional Engraver & Cutter.
  • Foldable Design & No Assembly.
  • Powerful Cutting Ability.
  • Larger Working Area.
  • Interchangeable Tool Modules.

Laser Module

Sold Out

LX1 Max 20W 450nm

£1,389.00 £1,249.00

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LX1 Max 20W 450nm+2W 1064nm+Artist Module

£2,079.00 £1,869.00

Frequently Bought Together

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Regular price £1,869.00
Regular price £2,079.00 Sale price £1,869.00
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Memories.png__PID:b4cb29dc-490a-4031-945d-559201434037LaserPecker LX1 Max Precision Laser Engraving Machine.png__PID:9360e382-84cd-4aae-9992-6022675e5a10

Simple Folding Frame
for Instant Use & Easy Storage

The LaserPecker LX1 Max's simple "lift-and-turn" frame requires no assembly, enables work to begin quickly, and makes for convenient storage.

Foldable Design

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Delicate Materials.png__PID:29dc490a-d031-445d-9592-01434037e42b

No Assembly Required
Opens for Instant Use

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Cylindrical Objects.png__PID:490ad031-d45d-4592-8143-4037e42b1d46

Allows for Quick and Convenient Storage

Larger Working Area

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Food Decoration.png__PID:d031d45d-5592-4143-8037-e42b1d46fce4LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Small Businesses.png__PID:cb8f9360-e382-44cd-8aae-99926022675eLaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Drinkware.png__PID:d45d5592-0143-4037-a42b-1d46fce409d9LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Artists and Designers.png__PID:830dcb8f-9360-4382-84cd-4aae99926022LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Educators.png__PID:6926830d-cb8f-4360-a382-84cd4aae9992


The LX1 is available with four tool modules to extend its functionality and your creativity: a 20w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 10w 450nm Blue Light Laser, a 1064nm Infrared Laser, &/or the Artist Module*.

*Tool modules can be bundled together or purchased individually to suit your specific creative needs.

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LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Makers.png__PID:44654cbb-1f43-4926-830d-cb8f9360e382
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Creative Professionals.png__PID:4cbb1f43-6926-430d-8b8f-9360e38284cd
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Personalized Gifts.png__PID:1f436926-830d-4b8f-9360-e38284cd4aae

Artist Module

Effortless Drawing

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Spherical Objects.png__PID:e42b1d46-fce4-49d9-b2ad-3e7c81feb434

Use a Variety of Pens or Drawing Implements

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Surgical Instruments.png__PID:1d46fce4-09d9-42ad-be7c-81feb4340e5aLaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Innovation.png__PID:fce409d9-b2ad-4e7c-81fe-b4340e5a6320

Powerful Cutting

Power Cutting Ability

It cuts through up to 15mm solid wood and 10mm acrylic with ease, and realize various creation ideas.

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Collectibles.png__PID:09d9b2ad-3e7c-41fe-b434-0e5a6320ea1cLaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Antiques.png__PID:b2ad3e7c-81fe-4434-8e5a-6320ea1cb2c6

More Precise Cutting

Up to 0.01mm cutting accuracy

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Architectural Models.png__PID:3e7c81fe-b434-4e5a-a320-ea1cb2c67165Up to 0.01mm cutting accuracy
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Expression.png__PID:81feb434-0e5a-4320-aa1c-b2c671650b02LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Scale Models.png__PID:b4340e5a-6320-4a1c-b2c6-71650b02d25c
LaserPecker LX1 Max for Educational Projects.png__PID:25d34465-4cbb-4f43-a926-830dcb8f9360LaserPecker LX1 Max Portable Laser Engraver.png__PID:ba4125d3-4465-4cbb-9f43-6926830dcb8f

"Let Creativity Fly"
with LaserPecker LX1 Max

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Miniatures.png__PID:0e5a6320-ea1c-42c6-b165-0b02d25c026eLaserPecker LX1 Max Versatile Laser Engraver.png__PID:74c0ba41-25d3-4465-8cbb-1f436926830d

Meet All Your Engraving & Cutting Needs

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LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Model Builders.png__PID:ea1cb2c6-7165-4b02-925c-026e4365cb4d
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Enthusiasts.jpg__PID:b2c67165-0b02-425c-826e-4365cb4d25a5
LaserPecker LX1 Max Desktop Laser Engraver.png__PID:de7274c0-ba41-45d3-8465-4cbb1f436926
LaserPecker LX1 Max Compact Laser Engraving Machine.jpg__PID:09cede72-74c0-4a41-a5d3-44654cbb1f43LaserPecker LX1 Max Wireless Laser Engraving.png__PID:6d6309ce-de72-44c0-ba41-25d344654cbb
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Making.png__PID:71650b02-d25c-426e-8365-cb4d25a5461b

Batch Engraving

The precision positioning feature and integrated fixtures on the base plate & cutting pad make batch work easy, fast, and efficient.

Longer Service Life

Dust sheets help to avoid internal wear on the machine.

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for DIY Projects.png__PID:0b02d25c-026e-4365-8b4d-25a5461b9a3e
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Wall Art.png__PID:026e4365-cb4d-45a5-861b-9a3ea1f0f978LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Memories.png__PID:c3656d63-09ce-4e72-b4c0-ba4125d34465
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Sharing.png__PID:4365cb4d-25a5-461b-9a3e-a1f0f978440d

Highly Accurate Repeat Positioning

Precise to less than 0.01mm

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Home Improvement.png__PID:cb4d25a5-461b-4a3e-a1f0-f978440dc365

Red Light Positioning

High Position Accuracy

LaserPecker LX1 Laser Engraving for Irregular Shapes.png__PID:a8200a72-2bfa-41e2-a101-3602e57ee697

Grease Nozzle

Grease fitting enables the oiling of moving parts to decrease friction.

Safety Garanteed

Safety Garanteed

Enhanced User Interface

Simple And Powerful App

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

Simple and Powerful APP

LaserPecker mobile app featuring Community, Tutorial Videos, Featured, and Clipart…… allows users to share creations, learn and perfect skills, create projects, use in-APP images, and upload user images.

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving is Changing the World.png__PID:25a5461b-9a3e-41f0-b978-440dc3656d63

Multi-platform App & Software

Support Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS System via USB or via Optional Bluetooth Dongle

LaserPecker (mobile app); LaserPecker Design Space (PC software);

Share Your Ideas Globally

The Community feature in the Mobile app enables users to instantly share creations, ideas, and inspiration with fellow LaserPecker creators around the globe.

LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving is Worth the Investment.png__PID:461b9a3e-a1f0-4978-840d-c3656d6309ce
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving is a Must-Have.png__PID:9a3ea1f0-f978-440d-8365-6d6309cede72LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Landscapes.png__PID:440dc365-6d63-49ce-9e72-74c0ba4125d3
LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving is Awesome.png__PID:a1f0f978-440d-4365-ad63-09cede7274c0LaserPecker LX1 Max Laser Engraving for Hobbyists.png__PID:f978440d-c365-4d63-89ce-de7274c0ba41
LaserPecker Rotary Extension For LP4/LP5/LX1 Series
LaserPecker Rotary Extension
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Support 3mm-200mm Diameter
LaserPecker Rotary Extension With Adjustable Diameter
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Handle Cylindrical and Irregularly Shaped Objects
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Size
LaserPecker Rotary Extension For LP4/LP5/LX1 Series
LaserPecker Rotary Extension
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Support 3mm-200mm Diameter
LaserPecker Rotary Extension With Adjustable Diameter
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Handle Cylindrical and Irregularly Shaped Objects
LaserPecker Rotary Extension Size

Rotary Extension Accessory

For LX1 & LX1 Max

Learn More
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max (4 Pcs)
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max (4 Pcs)
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Size
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max (4 Pcs)
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max (4 Pcs)
LaserPecker Riser for LX1/LX1 Max
LaserPecker LX1/LX1 Max Riser Size

Laser Protective Cover

For LX1 Max

Learn More
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Product NameLaserPecker LX1 Max
Table header 3
Working Area400 mm * 800 mm
Engraving Speed1mm/s - 200 mm/s
Preview Speed200 mm/s
Engraving Precision≤ 0,01 mm
Repeated Engraving Precision≤ 0,01 mm
Module10W 450 nm (Blue Diode Laser) 20W 450 nm (Blue Diode Laser) 2W 1064 nm (Infrared Laser)
Focal Length 40 mm40 mm40 mm
Can CutPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Dark Opaque AcrylicPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Felt, Dark Opaque AcrylicCannot cut
Can EngravePaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metalPaper, Wood, Leather, MDF, Stainless steel, Some dark opaque acrylic, Bamboo, Fabric, Dark glass, Ceramic, Jade, Marble, Shale, Cement, Brick, Plated metal, Painted metalGold, Silver, Copper, Aluminum, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Platinum, Plastics, Acrylic
Laser Spot
0.08 mm0.08 mm0.03 mm
Cutting Depth
(in one pass)
8 mm Solid Wood;
8 mm Arcrylic
15 mm Solid Wood;
10 mm Acrylic
Connection ModeWireless Bluetooth 5.0; USB Connection
SoftwareLaserPecker Design Space Handyapp/PC-Software/Lightburn
File FormatsAPP: G-Code/JPG/PNG/BMP;
Software: G-Code/JPG/PNG/BMP/SVG//DXF usw.
System LanguagesGerman/Spanish/French/English/Japanese/
Korean/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese
Continue Working Time63 Hours
Whole Unit Power≤120W
Impulse Frequency2,5K
Input Power DC (24 V, 5 A, 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz)
WeightWhole Unit: 5 kg


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
William Milne
LX1 Max after 2 weeks!

Well I have to say that I do love the LX1 Max and what I have achieved with it in the very short time I have had it.
The pro’s are it’s a plug and play machine with lots of presets already in for you. It’s compact and least to store. Cons are I have noticed it does not cut the same 200x200mm square. Not sure if this is a bug. The wood was clamped to the cutting plate and did not move. However, you can’t go wrong. I love it. Even the small cuts are amazing.